Mass. Dem’s Déjà Vu: Baker Pulls Ahead Of Coakley


If there’s one safe haven for liberals, it is typically the People’s Republic Of Massachusetts. However, the latest Boston Globe poll has Republican Charlie Baker edging ahead of Democrat Martha Coakley in the state’s gubernatorial election by two points. With less than 40 days to go, Baker has unexpectedly closed the gap on his opponent and is coming into the home stretch with some momentum.

According to the poll, Coakley’s favorables are trending downward, dropping five points since the Sept. 9 primary.

Even Real Clear Politics recently moved the race from “Leans Dem” to “Tossup.” Coakley must be feeling like it’s Groundhog Day, having already blown an election in 2010 when she lost a U.S. Senate race to Scott Brown.