KY Dem Tries To Avoid Obama, But Her Parents Visited WH


Alison Lundergan Grimes has been trying in vain to distance herself from Obama. But the latest news that her parents, Jerry and Charlotte Lundergan, visited the Obama White House in 2012 around the same time national Democrats were “furiously recruiting” Grimes to run for office aren’t helping her.

White House visitors’ logs show her parents, Jerry and Charlotte, visited Obama’s residence on Dec. 12, 2012.

It was Grimes who revealed that Washington, D.C Democrats were the ones encouraging her to run for the U.S. senate.

The visit came shortly after Grimes told a local television station that national Democrats had encouraged her to run for Senate when they visited
Danville, Ky., for the vice-presidential debate on Oct. 11, 2012.

Jerry Lundergan’s involvement in his daughter’s campaign has become a problem for Grimes. Faced with questions about the problematic campaign bus this
weekend, Grimes and Lundergan threw each other under the bus and said the other was responsible for the potentially illegal inconsistencies.

On Saturday, Grimes was asked about the permitting issue, and the candidate put distance between herself and her father’s company.

“Well now, you’re asking a question about a bus that we don’t own and permits that we can’t obtain,” Grimes said. “We’ve done everything on the campaign’s
end that we can and should do.”

After Lundergan hustled in the heat to the front of the handful of supporters and campaign staff walking behind Grimes to offer her some water, he then
offered some to a reporter but declined to comment on whether he had straightened out the permitting issues.

“You’ll have to ask the campaign all those questions,” Lundergan said.
