Illinois Dem’s Former Employer: Come Clean On Campaign Promise

bustosmoney Cheri Bustos worked for nearly two decades at the Quad City Times. Today, that newspaper’s editorial board, which Bustos served on, absolutely crushed her. Last cycle, Bustos made a promise to the Chicago Tribune editorial board, and the people of Illinois’ 17th district, to return 10 percent of her pay in Congress. She did not do so, and the Quad City Times says that’s not right:

We fully believe Bustos when she clearly told us the statement was a mistake she shouldn’t have made. Everyone makes mistakes. But this one was made in an interview to discern her suitability for Congress.

Whether she said it in Chicago, East Moline or Timbuktu, the fact remains Bustos said it in an on-the-record session with a respected newspaper.

Her stellar service as a journalist for this newspaper affirms she knows the difference between on and off the record.

You know things are bad when the people who know you best are telling you to quit playing political games.