First Lady Fundraises For GA Dem Who Pretends To Not Support Obama Agenda

Michelle Nunn is getting even more star power this week to help her Senate campaign in Georgia. Today, healthy living guru and First Lady Michelle Obama will fundraise for Nunn.

This puts some pressure on Nunn who has done her best to conceal her support for President Obama and his initiatives. But the last time she fundraised for Nunn, Mrs. Obama was clear about why she was supporting Nunn:

“The fact is that right now, we are just six seats away from losing the Senate — just six. That’s how close these midterm elections are. So it is critical that we elect Michelle Nunn, Alison Grimes, Natalie Tennant. It is critical that we get them to the Senate. And it is just as critical that we elect — reelect Senators Mary Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, Jeanne Shaheen — it is critical, because we all know that it’s not enough to elect Barack Obama President if we don’t give him a Congress that will help him keep moving this country forward.”

Georgia voters might be interested to know that, according to the First Lady, the President’s agenda includes support for gun control and ObamaCare—an issue that Nunn has refused to take a position on at least five times in the past.

Normally that would make for an awkward fundraiser, but at this point, everyone knows Nunn’s evasiveness on the issues is just an inside joke among Democrats.