Disastrous Grimes Campaign In Need Of Reset, Says Everyone


Behind in the polls and with a series of gaffes left in her wake, political observers are calling for a “reset” for the Grimes campaign.

Asked if Grimes is in a better position now than she was just after the primary, political handicapper Stu Rothenberg said, “I don’t think so.”

And other Kentucky Democrats are piling on:

Danny Briscoe, a Democratic political consultant not working for the Grimes campaign, said that while Grimes has worked hard to keep McConnell’s negatives high, she hasn’t done enough to give voters a reason to voter for her.

How did Grimes find herself in need of a reset? Let’s see: her cozy relationship with Hollywood liberals, her four dodges on border security in one interview, her campaign bus debacle, and many other missteps are probably a few of the reasons.