A “Criminal Mastermind Still Inexcusably Running For Public Office”

The Democrats in the New York State Senate must be looking to re-fill their quota of indicted members of their caucus.

Democrat David Denenberg, a Long Island legislator running for state senate was called (by his own law firm) “an arch and devious criminal.”

Denenberg allegedly “created an elaborate narrative to justify years of fake bills,” stealing over $2 million from clients, and another $800,000 in “fictional expenses” for court appearances that never happened.

When his firm went to fire him Denenberg balked:

“I don’t want to be let go. You’re going to make me go? For this?”

The Senate Democrat Conference leader even plans to fundraise for Denenberg on Sunday.

Arch and devious criminal? Someone with a record of betraying the trust of his employer and clients? Sounds like Denenberg might fit right in.

sticky bandit

UPDATE: David Denenberg drops out of Long Island state Senate race after being accused of stealing from his old law firm