This Week A Democrat Used Her “Clout” To Help Communist Human Rights Violators Avoid Sanctions

Voldemort and Malfoy

A new report shows Mary Landrieu is using her “clout” in the Senate to help Venezuela, whose officials have been accused by the U.S. State Department and lawmakers of violating the human rights of government protesters there.

Politico reported that last week Landrieu put a hold on a bill that would have leveled sanctions against these human rights abusers in Venezuela because Citgo, the Venezuela-tied oil giant, asked her to, claiming the sanctions would affect jobs in Louisiana.

Landrieu was assured that the sanctions would have no bearing on Citgo’s operations in Louisiana or elsewhere in the U.S. But she put a hold on the bill anyway.

Mary Landrieu has been running on her “clout” as chair of the Senate Energy Committee and she has said Louisianans should think carefully before giving that up – although Landrieu has repeatedly failed to deliver for the state. Maybe Landrieu’s “clout” is good for something – it seems that it delivered for Venezuela in a big way.