NY Dem Calls Burger King Moving To Canada “Unpatriotic,” Profits From Investments In It

WETM 18’s Ben Amey reported that Congressional candidate Martha Robertson called Burger King’s potential move to Canada “unpatriotic.” In a statement regarding Burger King’s potential acquisition of Canadian coffee chain Tim Horton’s, Robertson said:

“Burger King is an American company, and it’s downright unpatriotic for them to abandon the country that allowed them to succeed in the first place. This is yet another example of corporations shipping jobs and profits out of the country – a practice I will fight in Congress.”

However, Robertson failed to mention that she is profiting from Burger King’s potential move to Canada. Her personal financial disclosure shows she and her husband have $100,001 to $250,000 invested in a CREF Global Equities Account, which has over $20,000,000 invested in Burger King.

In a rush to score cheap political points, Robertson forgot she is profiting from the very practice she is criticizing.

Burger King