Mark Begich’s Top 3 “True Alaska” #Fails

Primary season is over in Alaska, which means it’s time for Mark Begich to own up to his failed record. Alaskans have suffered six long years with Begich as Senator. Here are just a few of his many failings:

3. In 2008, Begich said he would be “a Senator that’s as independent as Alaska.” Begich has been a consistent and reliable vote for Obama, voting with the President 97 percent of the time.


2. Begich told voters that he’d get things done for Alaska, even if that meant taking on his own Party. Instead, he’s been completely ineffective. Begich is the original sponsor for only one bill that was signed into law—and it renamed a courthouse. In that same time, he’s never received a roll-call vote on an amendment he’s offered on the Senate floor.


1. Begich promised to make energy a priority in 2008, even saying he would open up ANWR. In 2013, with still nothing to show for it, he told CNN he would “bang him over the head a few times.” Then, realizing he needed an election issue, he ran an ad claiming he played a role in opening up drilling in the Arctic. In reality, there is currently no drilling planned.


Come on, bro.