Wish Taxpayer Funded Private Jet Aficionado Mary Landrieu A Happy Aviation Day


Senator Mary Landrieu repeatedly billed taxpayers for her private campaign trips. In honor of National Aviation Day, we want YOU to tweet Landrieu your appreciation for her spending your money on her private flights!

Here are some suggested tweets:

I hope you enjoyed all your private flights on the taxpayer dime, @MaryLandrieu! http://bit.ly/1tiJeKk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TADjSh3uVc #tcot #nola

Thanks for spending my hard-earned money on your private flights, @MaryLandrieu! http://bit.ly/1tiJeKk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TADjSh3uVc #tcot #nola


Happy National Aviation Day, Mary Landrieu!


The taxpayers who paid for your campaign flights