Kay Hagan’s “Culture Of Delay And Excuses” On North Carolina’s Veterans

During her speech at the American Legion’s 96th National Convention, Kay Hagan said that “promises alone” aren’t going to fix the VA and “the first objective must be to end the culture of delay and excuses that is hurting American veterans.”

A 2014 audit into the VA found that new patients at Fayetteville’s VA Medical Center had the longest wait times in the country with an average of 83 days.

This summer Hagan had the audacity to claim that she found out about most of the VA’s problems when she visited the Fayetteville VA Medical Center in June.

Hagan must have forgotten about her 2008 campaign video where she said the VA hospital system has a “huge problem” because “trying to navigate the system is one of the biggest issues I hear.”

In 2008, Hagan promised a “world-class” system of health care for veterans, but now it appears that she’s making excuses for her broken promises to North Carolina’s veterans.

Perhaps Hagan should take her own advice about ending “the culture of delay and excuses that is hurting American veterans” and admit her failures.