Help Us EXPOSE More Democrats!


We exposed Hillary Clinton.

America Rising’s e-book aims to give conservative a playbook on how to attack her” – MSNBC

We exposed Harry Reid.

“Reid said the ‘Asian population is so productive…I don’t think you’re smarter than everybody else, but you’ve convinced a lot of us you are’ … ‘One problem I’ve had today is keeping my Wongs straight.’ … The video … was filmed and released by America Rising, a GOP opposition research group… Reid apologized Friday in a statement sent by his office. ‘My comments were in extremely poor taste and I apologize. Sometimes I say the wrong thing.’” – USA Today

We exposed Bruce Braley.

“When Bruce Braley, a little-known Iowa Democrat, dismissed Senator Charles Grassley as “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school” … he may not have expected his remarks to be posted online. He should have. America Rising, a firm that conducts “opposition research” on behalf of Republicans, was delighted to disseminate his gaffe.” – The Economist

You exposed [Candidate Name Here].

That’s right, it’s YOUR turn.

Our full-time job is exposing the truth about Democrats – and we do it well. But if you have tips, video, pictures, or evidence of Democrats behaving badly, we want them!


We look forward to seeing what you send!

– Team America Rising