Udall Bites The Hand That Feeds Him When He Attacks Bloomberg

biting handIn a Rolling Stone interview, Michael Bloomberg trashed two Colorado communities, calling them “as rural as you can get,” and questioning the existence of roads in Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Why? Because a couple State Senators disagreed with him on a Second Amendment issue. Classy.

Hoping no one would notice the fact that Bloomberg has spent millions in ads defending Udall, Udall’s spokesman tried to distance him ( second time this week!) from the disparaging remarks by attacking Bloomberg:

“Not since New Jersey Governor Chris Christie attacked Colorado’s way of life has an east coaster gotten us so wrong. Christie and Bloomberg should stick to what they know best: traffic jams and tiny sodas. Mayor Bloomberg is way off base about Pueblo and Colorado Springs, two of Colorado’s strongest and proudest communities.”

In the past, Bloomberg has given millions to Senate Majority PACAmericans For Responsible Solutions, and the League of Conservation Voters, all of whom have or plan to spend big money supporting Udall’s reelection effort this year.