MT Senate Dem Candidate John Walsh Plagiarized His Masters Thesis

John_Walsh_PlagiarizeAccording to The New York Times, John Walsh plagiarized at least a quarter of his thesis for his masters degree from the Army War College.

“An examination of the final paper required for Mr. Walsh’s master’s degree from the United States Army War College indicates the senator appropriated at least a quarter of his thesis on American Middle East policy from other authors’ works, with no attribution.”

The paper continued:

“Most strikingly, each of the six recommendations Mr. Walsh laid out at the conclusion of his 14-page paper, titled ‘The Case for Democracy as a Long Term National Strategy,’ is taken nearly word-for-word without attribution from a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace document on the same topic.”

It gets even worse:

“In all, Mr. Walsh’s recommendations section runs to more than 800 words, nearly all of it taken verbatim from the Carnegie paper, without any footnote or reference to it. In addition, significant portions of the language in Mr. Walsh’s paper can be found in a 1998 essay by a scholar at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, a research institute at Harvard.

Walsh told Montanans he wouldn’t get sucked into D.C. when he was appointed to the Senate. Taking credit for someone else’s work is what D.C. politicians do. It appears that Walsh was already sucked in long before he got to D.C.