Georgia Dem: Millions of Peaches, Peaches For Me


Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn is calling on her GOP rivals to refuse third-party ads in the upcoming general election. In what she’s calling the “Peach State Pledge,” Nunn laments that Georgians are “tired of politics as usual.”

Casting a giant bummer cloud for Nunn over all of this “above the fray” talk is the fact that several outside groups have already established groups to rain down that dirty, dark money all over Georgia in her defense. Groups created to or looking to run ads for Nunn include “Georgians Together,” EMILY’s list’s “Georgia Women Vote!” and Obama’s “Organizing For Action.”

Nunn’s campaign hilariously pleads ignorance about any of this, while hypocritically calling on Republicans to curb all such activity:

“Whatever effort is ongoing, I know nothing about and I haven’t paid much attention to the state party or anything else,’ [Nunn campaign chairman Gordon] Giffin said. ‘We’re trying to stand up a Senate campaign and I’m not looking at a lot of other sort of collateral activities at this point.”

Right. Pay no attention to the committees behind the curtain!