Natalie Tennant says Elizabeth Warren is just like West Virginians who grew up in rural West Virginia. But here are four ways that Warren is NOT for West Virginians:
1. Warren Supports The EPA’s War On Coal.
Elizabeth Warren has praised the EPA’s new regulations on carbon emissions, and said that they must be built upon. In 2013, Warren voted for an amendment to enact a tax on carbon. The new EPA regulations would require West Virginia to reduce emissions 19.8 percent by 2030.
2. Warren Supports ObamaCare.
Warren supports ObamaCare and even thinks that the law should have gone further. And even though she tries to dodge the question now, Warren has supported single payer health care.
3. Warren Is Anti-Gun And Supports Gun Control.
Warren has an “F” rating from the NRA and has sponsored and voted for multiple bills that would regulate the size of magazines. Warren even supports renewing the “assault weapons ban.”
4. Warren Is A Loyal Supporter Of Obama.
Warren is one of Obama’s biggest supporters and has said that she applauds President Obama and that “Barack Obama squared his shoulders, planted his feet and stood firm, and that’s how we won.”