Four Times This Alaska Democrat Stood Up For The EPA

The Obama EPA announced today that it will impose restrictions on Pebble Mine, a potential mining project in Alaska. Obama’s EPA is essentially pre-emptively vetoing the mine before it has even submitted its proposal.

Contrary to Begich’s rhetoric that he is a “thorn” in Obama’s side and in this case, stands up to the EPA, here are four times that Begich has stood up for Obama and the EPA.

1- June 15, 2014Begich did not voice opposition to the EPA’s emissions limits imposed on each state.

2 – January 19, 2014: Begich announced his opposition to the mine before the project even submitted an official plan. Begich based his opposition on the EPA’s study on a hypothetical mine.

3 – April 6, 2011: Begich voted against legislation that would prohibit the EPA from pushing forward regulations that would regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

4- June 10, 2010Begich voted against Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-AK) amendment that would limit the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Mark Begich’s record shows where his priorities lie – not with Alaska’s interests but with whatever Barack Obama’s EPA wants to do and regulate.