America Rising PAC Calls For Clinton Foundation Transparency

In response to Hillary Clinton’s announcement that her speaking fees from colleges and universities would be donated to her family’s foundation – The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation – America Rising PAC Executive Director Tim Miller called on the Foundation to release a series of records on its spending practices as well as a full accounting of which honoraria for paid speaking events are donated.

At minimum, the following information should be released regarding the Foundation’s expenditures in 2013 and 2014:

1. The Clinton Foundation’s form 990 for 2013 – which was required by law to be submitted to the IRS by 5/15.

2. Any financial audits from an audit committee that the foundation was advised to create following a 2011 internal review led by Simpson Thacher.

3. A full list of foundation staff or paid consultants who have previously worked as staff or paid consultants to the following staffs or organizations run by the Clintons or the Democratic party:

  • The State Department from January 2009 to January 2013.
  • The White House from January 2009 to present.
  • The Obama for America 2012 campaign.
  • The Democratic National Committee from January 1993 to present.
  • Hillary Clinton’s Senate office from January 2001 to January 2009.
  • Political staff at the White House and executive agencies from January 1993 to January 2001.

4. Total funds spent on entertainment, production and security-related vendors supporting CGI meetings in 2013-14.

5. Total funds spent on travel for donors or celebrities by the Clinton Foundation, including but not limited to CGI meetings for 2013-14.

6. All travel expenditures taken by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or Chelsea Clinton that were billed to the Clinton Foundation, including private air travel, lodging, ground travel, security, food and entertainment and other related expenses during 2013-14

7. A full accounting of which paid speaking engagements for which Hillary Clinton either directed the honoraria to go to the Clinton Foundation or personally donated the honoraria to the Clinton Foundation.

8. A full accounting of which paid speaking engagements, in 2013 and 2014, for which Bill Clinton either directed the honoraria to go to the Clinton Foundation or personally donated the honoraria to the Clinton Foundation.

Read the full release HERE


America Rising PAC Calls For Clinton Foundation Transparency by America Rising PAC