John Walsh did a BuzzFeed post called “Ten Things You Don’t Know About John Walsh.” Here’s ten more things you may not know about John Walsh, Montana’s newest Senator.
1. John struggles with Facebook.
Here is a picture of a screengrab from September 2013, when Walsh had an “unintentional accident” and liked the picture.
2. John used his position in the National Guard for personal gain.
In 2010, Walsh was reprimanded by the Army for improperly using his position for personal gain.
3. John apologized for the incident in 2010, but then when he decided to run for Senate changed his tune to say that he had nothing to apologize for. NOTHING!
4. John liked to promote men over women as head of the National Guard.
5. John did not fix wasteful spending in the Montana Department of Military Affairs while he was there.
6. John is Harry Reid’s favorite.
7. John was given his Senate seat.
8. John loves to raise money in Washington, D.C.
9. John has very little policymaking experience.
10. John is running from ObamaCare.