Top Dem Donor Calls DNC Chair “irritant,” “irrelevant”

The gloves are coming off in Florida. Major Democrat donor John Morgan (he employs this guy) is blasting DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, calling her an “irritant” who is becoming “irrelevant.” Wasserman Schultz opposes a Florida proposal Morgan supports that would legalize medical marijuana in Florida.

Marc Caputo at the Miami Herald reports:

“I know personally the most-powerful players in Washington DC. And I can tell you that Debbie Wasserman Schultz isn’t just disliked. She’s despised. She’s an irritant,” Morgan, an outspoken Orlando trial attorney, told the Miami Herald.

“Why she’s trying to undermine this amendment I don’t know,” he said. “But I’ll tell you I will never give a penny or raise a penny for the national party while she’s in leadership. And I have given and helped raise millions.”

After he saw her statement, Morgan said he grew so angry that he erased her contacts from his telephone. He said he heard that she plans to run for U.S. Senate some day, perhaps in 2016, and he’ll make sure to oppose her if she does.

Morgan, a top donor to President Obama and Sen. Bill Nelson, has put $4 million of his own money into the fight to get this proposal on the ballot in November.