Questions Surround Michelle Nunn’s Timeline In Founding Hands On Atlanta

Last week, The Washington Free Beacon raised questions on the accuracy of Michelle Nunn’s role in the founding of Hands On Atlanta.

According to the Free Beacon, Nunn has repeated on the campaign trail that she was a part of the founding of Hands On Atlanta during their first public meeting at Manuel’s Tavern where they passed around empty beer mugs to raise contributions.

However, Nunn’s name was not listed on Hands On Atlanta’s Articles of Organization in June 1989.

In September 1990, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Nunn was hired by the organization in May 1990. Nunn’s hiring came approximately eleven months after the organization was founded.

If Nunn’s story about founding Hands On Atlanta at Manuel’s Tavern is accurate, then she needs to account for her time during the year that passed before she officially joined the organization.