Nolan Calls Money “Toxic,” Fundraises With Obama

Last year, Rick Nolan went on MSNBC and railed against money in politics. He called it “toxic” and noted that Democrats have told him to spend 30 hours each week “dialing for dollars.” Nolan claimed he’s above it, calling it “distasteful” and stating he’s in DC “to govern.”

This is all a bit hypocritical coming from the guy who hired a lobbyist to run his 2014 re-election campaign and who took $4.5 million from the DCCC and other political groups to win the 8th district seat in 2012.

And today, Nolan is in Minnesota begging for money with the biggest fundraiser of them all, President Obama. Here’s what Nolan had to say about raising that “toxic” cash with Obama:

“This will be very helpful to our campaign, and I appreciate what the president is doing and him trying to help.”

Hmm. It seems Nolan’s transformation from saintly post-partisan to money-grubbing cash hound is now complete.