NM Dem’s Animal Cruelty Task Force Killed Animals

New Mexico’s “worst Attorney General”-turned gubernatorial candidate, Democrat Gary King, is continuing to stun voters with his ineptitude.

In 2009, King’s Animal Cruelty Task Force conducted controversial cockfighting raids on various farms. The Santa Fe New Mexican appropriately sums up the actions of the task force’s raids:

No reporters witnessed the raids. If they had, they would have known that King’s task force had not stopped any cockfights. Instead, King’s raiders confiscated and then poisoned thousands of birds owned by ranchers on mere suspicion that the animals had been fed steroids and someday could be used in cockfights.

One group of father-son ranchers fell victim to King’s overreaching task force after King’s group poisoned 730 birds and crushed 1,000 eggs, causing the ranchers to lose at least $300,000. King claims he knew about none of these actions and instead points the blame elsewhere [what a leader!]. However, newly discovered emails show that “King’s plea of ignorance is unbelievable.”

It appears King can’t run away from his troubled Animal Cruelty Task Force, which ended up killing what it sought to protect.