Landrieu Admits She’s Not As Powerful As She Tells Louisianans


Yesterday, Mary Landrieu said the new EPA emission rules were out of her jurisdiction as chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, when asked if she would use her perch atop the committee to push back on the new regulations.

“Most of that jurisdiction is in the [Environment and Public Works Committee] not the Energy Committee”

That flies in the face of what she has been telling Louisianans on the campaign trail though. Landrieu has been trying to sell Louisianans on her clout and seniority, highlighting her ascension to the top of the Energy Committee and all the good things she can do from that position.

Apparently when it comes to the new EPA regulations, Landrieu’s power has limits though. And, apparently when it to comes to other important energy issues, like Keystone, her power has limits too. She has been unable to get Keystone passed in the Senate.

There are more limits to Landrieu’s power than she wants to let on about. The real barrier to stopping the EPA regulations and approving Keystone has nothing to do with committee jurisdiction. The real barrier is the radical agenda pushed by President Obama and the Democratic majority in the Senate – an agenda Landrieu supports and votes for more than 90 percent of the time. Landrieu ought to be honest and tell Louisianans that the real barrier to her fighting for Louisiana has nothing to do with committees and has everything to do with herself.