Looks like House Majority PAC is at it again. Last week, the Democrat PAC released an ad attacking Republican Doug Ose, who is challenging Democrat Rep. Ami Bera in California’s 7th district, for voting “to slash veterans’ benefits by $15 billion.” FactCheck.org, however, picked apart the PAC’s claim, calling it “some 11-year-old baloney”:
A Democratic PAC is serving up some 11-year-old baloney in an attempt to keep ex-House member Doug Ose from returning to Congress. … The ad says, “Congressman Doug Ose voted to slash veterans’ benefits by $15 billion.” But what the ad refers to – cited in the fine print on screen – is a vote Ose cast on March 21, 2003, for a nonbinding budget resolution that actually proposed a 5.4 percent increase in new spending authority for veterans’ benefits and services for fiscal year 2004, which was to start several months later on Oct. 1.
Whoops. FactCheck.org also shot down House Majority PAC’s additional claim that Ose “voted to increase his own pay.” Not so, according to fact checkers:
He [Ose] didn’t. There was no vote on congressional pay in 2003, the year the ad claims Ose supported a pay raise. In fact, in April of that year the wealthy Ose, a multimillionaire developer, introduced a bill to repeal automatic annual cost-of-living increases for members of Congress.
Stop it, House Majority PAC. Just stop it.