Clinton Donor: Modest Clintons Wear Only $250 Shoes

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In a devastating Washington Post article that covered how Democrats are wary that the Clintons “imperial image” could damage Hillary’s 2016 campaign, there were several damning quotes from Democrats worried she projects more “Downton Abbey” than everyday America.

But the quote that most caught our eye was one that came ostensibly in Hillary’s defense.

John Morgan, a Democratic donor, hosted Bill Clinton at his Florida home last year for a fundraiser. Morgan recalled that when his son complimented Clinton on his black dress shoes, the former president showed him the label: Allen Edmonds. (They cost about $250 at Macy’s.) Of Hillary Clinton, Morgan said: “I don’t see jewels. She may get some nice pantsuits, but they’re not flashy people.”

Well then I guess we can consider this argument closed. The Clintons are slumming it in everyman $250 dress shoes! Forget we said anything about being out of touch with people who are actually struggling to pay their mortgage.