Walsh Is Running From ObamaCare


John Walsh is doing everything he can to hide his support for ObamaCare.

In an interview today with Montana Public Radio, Walsh questioned whether ObamaCare was the right policy for the country and said the jury was still out on the law. He even suggested that he would not come out in support of ObamaCare at all if health care costs did not come down.

Walsh is apparently heeding advice from campaign consultants these days because he has been trying awfully hard to distance himself from ObamaCare for the last month or so.

In the past, Walsh has called the law a good move and said he agreed with the overall intent of ObamaCare when he was Lieutenant Governor and as a Senate candidate said it should not be repealed.

Despite saying he wouldn’t get “sucked into Washington, D.C.,” Walsh’s changing positions on ObamaCare sure look like the slick politician who’s not shooting straight with Montana voters.