Top 6 Things To Know About Kay Hagan (D-NC)

Kay Hagan is running for reelection in North Carolina.

1. Hagan Said “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It” At Least Twenty-Two Times

While trying to sell ObamaCare to North Carolinians, Kay Hagan got in front of every camera she could find and told the public that, under ObamaCare, if you like your current health insurance plan, you can keep it. This statement was blatantly false. Thousands of North Carolinians have already been kicked off their existing plans, and PolitiFact named the claim their lie of the year. Hagan has gone on record promoting this lie at least twenty-two times.

How has Hagan responded to questions about her repeating the lie of the year? Not well. When asked when she knew people would lose their plans, Hagan dodged and fled from pursuing reporters.

2. Hagan Thinks ObamaCare Is Something Whose Time Has Come

In February 2014, Hagan went on MSNBC and said that she wants her campaign to show that ObamaCare “is something whose time has come.”

3. Hagan Would Vote For ObamaCare Again

Despite lying to her constituents about the effects of ObamaCare, Hagan is standing beside her vote on the law. In December 2013, Hagan shamelessly claimed that she would actually vote for ObamaCare again.

4. Hagan Voted With President Obama 96% of the Time

According to Congressional Quarterly, Hagan has voted for President Obama’s agenda 96 percent of the time and can’t name one Obama policy position she regrets taking. However, in 2008, Hagan attacked Sen. Dole for voting with President Bush 92 percent of the time, “voting 92 percent of time with the president, whether you support him or not, doesn’t work here in North Carolina.”

Hagan votes w Obama

5. Hagan Has Been In Washington, D.C. As The National Debt Increased To $17 Trillion

In 2008, Hagan attacked her opponent for having “poor economic judgment” that resulted in “sky rocketing debts.” In contrast, Hagan labeled herself as “fiscally conservative” and touted her experience balancing budgets.

Here’s how Hagan’s “economic judgment” has turned out: since she has gone to Washington, D.C., the national debt has ballooned from $10 trillion to $17 trillion.

6. Kay Hagan’s Ethical Problems

Instead of attending the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing that discussed the growing threat of ISIS, Kay Hagan was fundraising.

Also, just one week after a judge ruled in favor of her husband, she recommended that judge to Obama for a promotion.

In another instance, Kay Hagan and her husband Chip, through their company JDC Manufacturing, lowered the cost of a stimulus project and kept the savings for themselves. Her son also received Stimulus money.


Click HERE to learn more about Kay Hagan’s liberal record.