Tom Steyer’s Secret “Green” Agenda In Red States

Snape News broke yesterday that Tom Steyer, the ultra-rich liberal environmentalist, would be financing political campaigns in four states that are key to Democrats holding onto the Senate in 2014. Steyer, who has pledged to spend $100 million in 2014, and his super PAC will be going after the Republican nominees in Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire and Iowa.

Absent from Steyer’s list of states he plans to target are places like Louisiana, Arkansas, and North Carolina. Steyer will stay away from those states because his anti-energy message is so extreme and toxic to voters there – he doesn’t want to hurt Mary Landrieu, Mark Pryor or Kay Hagan in their re-election efforts. But Steyer is doing all he can to help these Democrats behind the scenes so they can help him push through his radical, anti-energy agenda in the Senate. He recently became the largest single donor to Harry Reid’s super PAC when he contributed $5 million to the group. Steyer will be looking for a return on his investment in November. Voters beware.