Tester’s 2 Hour Flip-Flop On Shinseki Resignation – Where Is Walsh?

This morning on MSNBC, when asked if Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki should resign following the tragedy at the VA hospital in Phoenix, Sen. Jon Tester told the crew at Morning Joe “No. I don’t think so.”

After he was roundly ridiculed for that response, he went on “Jansing & Co.” just a few hours later and changed his tune, saying, “If the problem ends up being in Shinseki’s lap, then we’re going to hold him responsible, I don’t think there’s any ifs, ands, or buts about that.”

Got whiplash yet?

And while we’re on the topic, does his colleague John Walsh think Shinseki should resign? Last week, Walsh dodged that question and instead of holding the head of the VA accountable, he blamed the VA backlog on his Senate race opponent.

The veterans of Montana deserve better than these two in the Senate.