Michelle Nunn Laid-Off Employees While Her Own Compensation Doubled

Today, the National Review reported that Michelle Nunn’s non-profit resume included significant layoffs while her compensation simultaneously increased.

From 2007 to 2010, Nunn guided her charity group through a merger that reduced their staff from 175 to 80 employees; meanwhile, her pay doubled to $250,000 in 2008 and $322,056 in total compensation in 2011.

Except that when Hands On Network and Points of Light Foundation merged, they eliminated a lot of jobs. A lot. From 2007 to 2010, the staff dropped from 175 to 80 employees. By itself, that would hardly be a scandal; when two nonprofits merge, there are often a lot of duplicative positions and inevitably, some people get let go. The economy took a severe tumble during those years, of course, and so it’s reasonable to conclude the hard times hit the nonprofit as well.

It’s just that after the merger… Nunn’s salary went up. A lot.

In 2008, Nunn received $250,000 as CEO of the Points of Light Foundation, according to the organization’s Form 990.

Nunn told Politico that the layoffs associated with the merger were necessary because the organization was going through a rough financial period. In addition, Nunn justified her salary doubling as still making less than her predecessor.

If Nunn runs her campaign on her non-profit sector experience, she will need a better explanation for why she laid-off approximately 95 employees but
simultaneously increased her own pay.