Howard Dean Latest On List Of Dems Backing Romanoff


On the campaign trail, Andrew Romanoff (D-CO) has repeatedly decried the hyper-partisanship in Washington. During remarks in Denver, CO last March, Romanoff said what Congress and the country need now “are men and women of good will who will take an oath not to a political party, but the constitution and their conscience and their constituents.”

But it’s hard to take Romanoff seriously when he appears to be the darling of national Democrats. Today, former Democrat governor, presidential candidate and DNC Chairman Howard Dean joins Romanoff for a fundraiser party in Aurora. Dean joins a growing list of establishment Democrats lining up behind Romanoff. Last fall, both House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and longtime Democrat stalwart and former Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) attended campaign fundraisers for him.

It’s pretty clear to whom Romanoff has taken an oath, and it’s not the voters of Colorado’s 6th district.