In newly released excerpts from her upcoming memoir Hard Choices, Hillary Clinton waits – until just a few paragraphs in – to take a thinly veiled shot at President George W. Bush, just before decrying the partisanship of “Washington’s long-running soap opera.”
“As Secretary of State I thought of our choices and challenges in three categories: The problems we inherited, including two wars and a global financial crisis; the new, often unexpected events and emerging threats, from the shifting sands of the Middle East to the turbulent waters of the Pacific to the uncharted terrain of cyberspace; and the opportunities presented by an increasingly networked world that could help lay the foundation for American prosperity and leadership in the 21st century. … “As is usually the case with the benefit of hindsight, I wish we could go back and revisit certain choices. But I’m proud of what we accomplished. … While my views and experiences will surely be scrutinized by followers of Washington’s long-running soap opera-who took what side, who opposed whom, who was up and who was down-I didn’t write this book for them. I wrote it for Americans and people everywhere who are trying to make sense of this rapidly changing world of ours, who want to understand how leaders and nations can work together and why they sometimes collide, and how their decisions affect all our lives.