UPDATE: Grimes Dodges Again On ObamaCare Vote

UPDATE: Grimes followed up her dodge on ObamaCare by … dodging again and then claiming if she had been in the Senate, it would have been a different law.

In response to a follow-up inquiry from The Huffington Post, Lundergan Grimes, Kentucky’s secretary of state, again dodged the question by insisting that her presence in the Senate would have meant that the law would have come out looking completely different.

“If I had been in the Senate, it would have been a different law,” she said.

Yesterday, Alison Lundergan Grimes gave a rare interview to the press, and the questions were straightforward but the answers were full of dodges. Asked twice how she would have voted on ObamaCare had she been in the Senate, Grimes dodged twice. Check out the excerpt from The Associated Press interview:

Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes on Wednesday twice refused to say whether she would have voted for President Barack Obama’s signature health care law. Asked two times whether she’d have voted for the 2010 overhaul, the Kentucky Democrat who is challenging Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell told The Associated Press: “I, when we are in the United States Senate, will work to fix the Affordable Care Act.”
