After Deferring To Obama, Michelle Nunn Flip-Flops On The VA Scandal

At the only Democrat primary debate Michelle Nunn attended, she made her position on the Veterans Affairs scandal clear. She would not be calling on Secretary Shinseki to resign.

Instead, Nunn said she would “defer” to President Obama’s judgment:

QUESTION: “When you hear about the deaths of these servicemen who were waiting for care under the veterans’ department, is it time though for Eric Shinseki, should he resign? Should we hold him accountable for those deaths of those service personnel?”

NUNN: “I think all of us are outraged at the deaths of our veterans and I think, you know, we owe it to them to make sure that we understand exactly what happened and that we remedy the situation and never let it happen again. We need accountability; we need to make sure there’s a congressional oversight of this issue. I defer to the President’s judgment about the leadership that will be necessary to ensure that accountability and that transparency and that we actually change the system in order to preclude this from ever happening again.”

Today, Nunn flip-flopped and released a lengthy statement calling for Shinseki to resign, because “there is growing evidence that the Department of Veterans Affairs needs new leadership in order to reform its badly broken bureaucracy.”

When given the chance to stand up for Georgia’s veterans and demand accountability, Michelle Nunn deferred to President Obama. It appears she is now in damage control mode putting her campaign’s politics before protecting veterans’ healthcare.