Braley Forgot About 230K Uninsured Iowans

In the midst of his campaign, Braley seems to have forgotten about the 230,000 Iowans still waiting for healthcare.

This weekend, Braley told the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier that Americans “can’t afford” to go back to a time before ObamaCare. According to Braley, ObamaCare has “changed all that” for the 50 million previously uninsured.

This rosy view of ObamaCare ignores the fact that three-quarters of the Iowans who lacked insurance last year are still awaiting an affordable option, The Des Moines Register reported today.

“But a new report estimates about three-quarters of Iowans who lacked health insurance last year remain uninsured.

“Reinna Waseskuk is among them. She drove a half hour from Mitchellville recently to seek care for flu-like symptoms at the Jim Ellefson Free Medical Clinic on Des Moines’ east side. Waseskuk, an assistant manager at a convenience store, has been offered insurance by her employer but would have to pay $111 every two weeks for her part of the premium.

‘I can’t afford that,’ she said. ‘There’s no way on Earth.’”

Waseskuk says she can’t afford the ObamaCare option either:

“She bristled at the new requirement to obtain insurance. ‘If we could afford it, do you think we’d be standing out here?’ she said, nodding at a half-dozen others in line on the sidewalk, waiting for the free clinic to hold one of its twice-a-week sessions.”