Watch Befuddled State Department Spox Get Stumped On Clinton Accomplishments

At yesterday’s State Department press briefing, spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked a simple question by AP reporter Matt Lee. What accomplishment can be cited from the review of Hillary Clinton’s State Department. She was stumped.

CNN, Hot Air, Mediaite, Washington Free Beacon, and many others note how big of a problem the “what did you accomplish question” is for Hillary. Even she can’t answer it.

Transcript below. h/t to @RNCResearch for the vid.

LEE: Off the top of your head, can you just identify one tangible achievement that the last QDDR resulted in?

PSAKI: Well, Matt, obviously it’s an extensive, expansive topic –

LEE: So, no.

PSAKI: We’re looking at how it was done last time –

LEE: Just one.

PSAKI: I know. I’m making an important point here. The secretary wants it to be focused. It’s going to focus on a more narrow range of issues. It’s always to look at how we can improve things. And we’ll see where we come out on the end.

LEE: So can you, off the top of your head, identify one tangible achievement that was — that resulted from the last QDDR?

PSAKI: I am certain that those who were here at the time who worked hard on that effort could point out one.