WATCH Alison Lundergan Grimes Run From Reporters Asking About Sexual Harassment Case

Alison Lundergan Grimes and Democrats like to talk about the GOP’s supposed war on women. She has accused Mitch McConnell and Republicans of having “yesterday’s view of women.” But, notwithstanding her lip service to women’s issues, Grimes is refusing to answer questions about her connection to John Arnold, a Democratic state lawmaker, who resigned last year after being accused by female staff members of sexual harassment.

WFPL in Louisville wrote:

“The scandal is also threatening to entangle U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, who is in a difficult spot due to her connections to state Democrats involved.”

It appears that Grimes and Kentucky Democrats are the ones waging a war on women. Grimes refused to call for Arnold’s resignation last fall when he was accused of sexual harassment and then accepted a $250 contribution from him after he stepped down because of the allegations. And just yesterday it was reported that the Kentucky legislature’s Ethics Commission came one vote shy of reprimanding Arnold for his inappropriate actions. WFPL reported:

“The deciding vote against punishing Arnold was cast by Marion County lawyer Elmer George, who was appointed by Democratic House Speaker Greg Stumbo – a key Grimes supporter himself – this January.

George took umbrage with suggestions that his vote was politically-motived but he is a hefty Democratic donor.

He gave the maximum $2,000 contribution limit under Kentucky law to Grimes’ secretary of state bid in 2011. Federal campaign finance records also show that George gave the maximum $5,200 to Grimes’ Senate campaign in December 2013.”

Despite saying she has “zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination in the workplace,” Grimes is ignoring reporters’ questions about Arnold. Apparently Grimes only has “zero tolerance” for sexual discrimination when it does not involve her donors and supporters.