Washington Examiner: America Rising Comes Into the Spotlight

The Washington Examiner has a story this morning on the opposition research and tracking work we’re doing here at America Rising to hold Democrats accountable for their words and actions. Here are some highlights, check out the whole thing.

Last week, Rep. Bruce Braley was still doing damage control.

More than a week after a video exploded across the Internet showing him at a private fundraiser, dismissing Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley as a “farmer from Iowa,” Braley, a lawyer by trade, rattled off his rural bona fides to reporters.

The group behind the video that reignited Republicans’ hopes of winning in Iowa is a fledgling opposition-research and tracking group, America Rising, established last year to fill a gaping hole in Republican election strategy on the national level. America Rising has made strides that even Democrats acknowledge.

“They’re well-positioned to take advantage of potential gaffes on the Democratic side,” said one Democratic strategist.