Talking Points Memo is out with a story on our opposition research efforts aimed at derailing Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Highlights:
“We’re going to have research directors sitting on these 2016 Republican campaigns who are more worried about each other than they are about Hillary,” Tim Miller, the executive director of America Rising PAC, said. “We are building an infrastructure outside of the party setting that will benefit our nominee this time, so that we don’t make the same mistakes as last time: They come out of a primary and they’re scrambling.”
Recently, Miller has been regularly blitzing reporters with emails countering the narrative in Clinton’s prolific public speaking life and penning an op-ed for CNN this month that urged the press to treat Clinton like a candidate — no matter that she has yet to announce her 2016 intentions.
The America Rising staff has grown from 34 at the end of 2013 to more than 50 now. They’ve put an operative on the ground in Little Rock, Ark. to comb through the documents periodically released by the Bill Clinton presidential library.
As the Ukraine crisis escalated in March, America Rising blasted Clinton for her handling of Russia as secretary of state. Correct The Recordcountered against the right wing’s “selective memory” of her tenure. Then America Risingmocked their defensiveness.
“They’re trying to be a check on us. They sprouted out as a response to what we’re doing,” Miller said