Senate Majority PAC Just Keeps On Lying


Senate Majority PAC, the Democrat super PAC founded by former aides to Harry Reid, is finding itself in familiar territory: they are being called out for producing ads that just aren’t true. Yesterday, PolitiFact rated an attack ad from Senate Majority PAC against Tom Cotton in Arkansas as false. PolitiFact wrote:

“The Senate Majority PAC ad claimed, ‘Before Congress, Cotton got paid handsomely working for insurance companies and corporate interests.’ Cotton’s never worked for an insurance company, nor has he served as a consultant for one. We rate the statement False.”

This is nothing new for Senate Majority PAC. PolitiFact recently called one of their ads in Louisiana attacking Rep. Bill Cassidy “mostly false.” And The Washington Post’s Fact Checker recently noted that they had called out the super PAC three times in the last month for producing false ads. The Post’s Fact Checker wrote:

“That’s a pretty dreadful track record, and does little for the organization’s credibility more than six months before the midterm elections.”