Uncovered Benghazi Email: Top WH Aide Instructed Rice To Blame Video Not Policy Failure

A new batch of documents, released by Judicial Watch, casts further doubt on the Obama Administration’s motivations for falsely blaming the attack in Benghazi on a protest sparked by an internet video, rather than on a pre-planned terrorist attack.

One key email, from White House aide Ben Rhodes, which was sent to a who’s who of top White House aides, including Senior Advisor David Plouffe and Press Secretary Jay Carney among others, describes the goals for a “prep call” with then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, who would go on to all five Sunday talk shows and promote the false narrative.

The September 14, 2012 email lists the top goals of the call, including: “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”


This is possibly the most explicit evidence that the White House and State Department were citing the video to avoid the political ramifications in an election year.

Read more from Judicial Watch.