Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn just released a new campaign ad where she promised to ban former members of Congress from becoming registered lobbyists.
While she’s decrying lobbyists and special interests, Nunn failed to mention that she has been raising money from the very same people she says she wants to ban.
In addition to taking thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from lobbyists, here are four former members of Congress-turned-lobbyists (Vic Fazio, Buddy Darden, Michael Allen Andrews, James Symington) that are padding Nunn’s campaign coffers with money earned from the special interests she claims to abhor.
While Nunn tells Georgians that Congress is broken because of influence peddling by former members, she’s out financing her campaign with their checks. Who do you think Nunn will listen to if she gets to Washington?
Nunn’s hypocrisy makes it clear that she’s quite adept at playing the typical D.C. insider game and willing to say anything to voters to get elected.