Democrats to Sebelius: It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye


Leading Democrats were turning on some Boyz II Men this morning, because for them it’s oh so hard to say goodbye to their friend Kathleen Sebelius.  Sebelius might have been a disaster as Secretary, overseeing the embarrassing launch of the Obamacare website, but that didn’t stop the Democrat affection for her.

Every Democrat facing reelection this Fall supported her nomination.  Here are our 3 favorite examples of their effusive praise of Sebelius’ Obamacare stewardship.

Jeanne Shaheen: “Governor Sebelius is a common sense leader who understands the complexities of our health care system. Through her experience as the Governor of Kansas, State Insurance Commissioner and President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, she has a broad and deep understanding of health care and will be an outstanding leader as we work to fix our broken system.”

Mary Landrieu: “Thank you, Madam Secretary. And I want to commend you for tenacity and your focus on helping stand up a major reform.” (Subcommittee On Labor, HHS, And
Education – Committee On Appropriations, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 3/7/12)

Bruce Braley: “One of the things that keeps coming up in this hearing because you are from Kansas is references to ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ And people went to go see the wizard because of the wonderful things that he did. And the Affordable Care Act is doing a lot of great things in Iowa.”

We look forward to seeing you on the trail, Madam Secretary!