Breaking: Major Clinton Donor Pleads Guilty To Campaign Finance Violations

Remember when Jeffrey Thompson pled guilty to campaign finance violations after secretly spending more than a half-million on a secret get-out-vote effort for Hillary in 2008? Well it looks like another person intimately connected to her failed Presidential campaign has got himself in trouble.

Earlier today, major Democratic fundraiser Sant Chatwal pled guilty to witness tampering and conspiracy to evade campaign finance laws in a Manhattan Federal Court. The candidates he broke laws for have not been identified yet. However, Chatwal was a bundler for Hillary Clinton in 2008 and planned to raise $5 million for her through a group he created called Indian Americans for Hillary 2008.

What we do know is that this is hardly the first time Chatwal has been charged with a crime. In fact, it’s the fourth. Let’s recap:

When questions about Chatwal’s involvement in Hillary’s Presidential campaign arose, a Clinton spokesman said that nothing in Chatwal’s background raised concerns about his involvement in the campaign.

There certainly should’ve been.

UPDATE: POLITICO reports that Chatwal’s campaign finance violations include illegal straw contributions to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign.