Yesterday, the Arkansas AARP was forced to issue a press release claiming that Mark Pryor’s campaign was not authorized to invoke their organization in a Mediscare attack ad on Tom Cotton. The organization claimed that it is “very, very important for our members and the voting public to know we have nothing to do with the ad.”
The nonprofit, nonpartisan organization said Wednesday that it did not authorize the use of its name in two political advertisements now airing in Arkansas. ‘We just think it is very, very important for our members and the voting public to know we have nothing to do with the ad,’ AARP Arkansas State Director Maria Reynolds-Diaz said in a telephone interview.
Not only is Mark Pryor misleading Arkansas’s seniors with a Mediscare attack ad, but he’s also misleading them on an AARP endorsement of the ad.
Pryor’s latest Mediscare line of attack isn’t surprising. Just today, Time’s Joe Klein wrote that instead of being a problem solver on Medicare, Pryor is “hiding behind traditional Democratic battlements” of Mediscare.