MSNBC: Reid’s Hypocritical Attacks On Koch Brothers Are “Beneath His Office”

MSNBC’s Morning Joe blasted Harry Reid for his hypocritical attacks on the Koch brothers, saying Reid’s actions are “beneath his office” and “out of line.”

Reid has repeatedly attacked the Koch brothers from the Senate floor, calling them “un-American” and “shadowy billionaires” who are trying to rig the system for their benefit.

But MSNBC pointed out, as we did in a previous post, that the campaign by Reid and Democrats against the Koch brothers is misleading and hypocritical because Democrats have plenty of wealthy donors.

Reid in particular has big money friends. He attended a fundraiser at the home of liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, who has pledged to spend millions of his own money on democratic causes. And Reid has not complained about billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s donation of $2.5 million to Harry Reid’s Democrat Senate Majority PAC in January.

Make no mistake, Reid’s attacks have nothing to do with principle and everything to do with politics.