Mitt Calls Out Hillary’s Foreign Policy “Failure”

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In a Wall Street Journal op-ed out today, former 2012 Republican presidential nominee, who Hillary once mocked for his clear-eyed views on Russia and Vladimir Putin, takes her to task for a foreign policy record that leaves Americans unable to “name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office”:

Why are there no good choices? From Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Egypt, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, America apparently has no good options. If possession is nine-tenths of the law, Russia owns Crimea and all we can do is sanction and disinvite—and wring our hands. …

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton traveled the world in pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. Their failure has been painfully evident: It is hard to name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office, and now Russia is in Ukraine. Part of their failure, I submit, is due to their failure to act when action was possible, and needed.

Even the liberal New Republic magazine admitted that when it came to Russia, Romney was right. It’s too late for Hillary to change course, but will President Obama finally listen?