John Walsh Is A True Harry Reid, Liberal Democrat


Earlier this month, the Montana Democratic Party broke “longstanding” tradition when it endorsed John Walsh in the primary race for Senate, even though there are two other candidates running for the nomination. A party spokesman called Walsh the “only true Democrat” in the race.

This should come as no surprise though. Walsh has had the backing of all of Montana’s major Democrat leaders since he announced his intention to run for Senate, including Gov. Bullock – the man who appointed him to the Senate; Max Baucus, and Jon Tester.

National Democrats have not been shy in showing their support for Walsh either. For instance, the DSCC has endorsed Walsh already. And Harry Reid got involved in the party’s embrace late last year when he called up John Bohlinger, one of Walsh’s primary opponents, to say that Democrats had chosen Walsh. In fact, Reid asked Bohlinger to drop out of the race because Walsh was “his choice for the ticket.”

John Walsh has said that he will not get “sucked into Washington, D.C.,” but it seems that Democrat party bosses and the D.C. establishment already have him inside their vacuum.