Jeanne Shaheen Is Hiding From Obama

Jeanne Shaheen does not want to be seen with President Obama or his administration. Last week when asked if she wanted Obama to campaign with her, Shaheen dodged the question. She is still dodging, but we now know the answer to the question. Case in point, Joe Biden was in New Hampshire helping to raise money for Democrats, but Jeanne Shaheen was not there with him. Her office said that she needed to be in Washington, D.C., for votes on Ukraine and an Appropriations committee hearing.

In the past though work in Washington has not kept Shaheen from leaving town to campaign and raise money. Last year, Shaheen missed a closed door meeting between Democrat senators discussing a change to the filibuster for a fundraiser in New York, despite the filibuster change being so important to Democrats.

It appears that with the election getting closer, Shaheen, who voted with Obama 99 percent of the time in 2013, will come up with any excuse she can to avoid being seen with the unpopular president and his crew.


oh how i love new york

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) may talk a big game about how important addressing the filibuster may be, but now her own spokesman confirmed that raising money for her own political well-being took priority:

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen acknowledged Friday she was at a fund-raiser for her reelection campaign last Monday night when the Senate met in a key, rare closed-door session to air out its differences on filibuster reform. …

In a statement, released exclusively to the Granite Status and, Shaheen spokesman Shripal Shah said: “Senator Shaheen had a fundraiser on Monday and notified Senate leadership in advance that she would miss the meeting.”

Moreover, while Shaheen was supposed to be in Washington, D.C. doing her job, she was actually in New York City to fundraise for her reelection:

Shah said the fund-raiser was in New York City and was for her reelection campaign committee, Friends of Jeanne Shaheen.